Travel Journal: Puerto Rico DAY 5

DAY 5 – January 30

Paul and I enjoyed a relaxing beach day for Day 5.  I didn’t take many photos that day because I didn’t want to take my camera near the sand.

On Days 1-4, the weather had been consistently warm (in the 80’s) and breezy.  On Day 5, the weather was much the same — except that we experienced random, sudden patches of rain that would last less than five minutes.  During those five minutes, we rushed to the nearest covered bus stop or a cluster of trees until the torrent stopped.

We walked to have lunch at the Crepe Maker.  It was good food, but wasn’t inherently Puero Rican obviously.

We spent most of the afternoon reading on the beach.  We slathered ourselves with sunscreen and only got burnt wherever we missed with the sunscreen.

When we became hungry for dinner, we walked to a fancy restaurant on the beach called Pamela’s.  We ordered Pina Coladas with our entrees.  Paul ordered battered cod with mango chutney and risotto (rice) on the side.  These photos may not look very appealing (it was dark in the restaurant), but I assure you: the food was fantastic!


I ordered port tenderloin (best I’ve ever tasted!) with a tropical chutney and a creamy risotto on the side.  This was definitely the best restaurant meal I have ever had!


We walked back to the hotel in the moonlight.  (Everyone eats late in Puerto Rico.)  We sought out the deck chairs on the hotel roof and read our books until we got tired enough to sleep.  What a life!  😉


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