Over the weekend, we got 6 inches of snow.  It truly looks like winter now!

Wintertime never fails to give me a hankering for crocheting.  It seems like I always pull my crochet hooks and yarn from the closet this time of year.

My favorite things to crochet are hats for preemie babies.  My sister Heather is the one who turned me onto this project.  There is an organization called Rosie’s Cozies that accepts the hats and brings them to a children’s hospital in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

The hats are quick and easy to make.  It takes under an hour to crochet the hat (here is the pattern) and also make some kind of flower or decoration to make the hat unique.

Last month, Heather mailed Rose’s Cozies 78 hats that we made over the past year (most of mine were from last winter).


Here is my most recent hat:

photo 1

I often find yarn at Goodwill or various thrift shops.  The yarn I used in this photo came from a great little shop called Scrap4Art.  Fun, fun!

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