Spring is a time of new life!
My grandpa has some new lambs, born just over the last couple weeks! From Random...

After-Easter Lilies
I love Easter lilies. They’re just plain beautiful. From Random Pics 2009

Project for School
For my World Music class, my professor assigned us to work in groups and do a...

African Violets
Here’s an update from the last time I took pictures of Mom’s African violets… They seem...

Easter Sunday
The fam all came over to my mom’s house for Easter dinner… From Random Pics 2009...

grrrr, harddrive
Sorry I haven’t updated recently…the harddrive on my laptop is full, so I haven’t been able...

Student Composition Recital
On Friday, April 3, a Student Composition Recital was held at my college. Two of my...

Update on the Little Guy…
I haven’t posted pictures of the little guy in a while…my little nephew growing up so...

Funny MacBook pictures
My hubby and I took some funny pictures with the little camera on the MacBook: ...