On Memorial Day, Paul & I had plans to visit a state park for hiking and a picnic. Our plans got rained out, however. After some googling for “indoor things to do in the Toledo Area,” I found out about the Butterfly House at Wheeler Farms in Whitehouse, OH (a 30-minute drive for us).
Yes, yes, I know we just saw butterflies last month at Frederick Meijer Gardens. But we decided to see more butterflies anyway!
I’m going to show you 5 butterfly photos each day for the next few days.
This one is called a “Clipper.”
The Butterfly House was obviously a smaller operation than Ferderick Meijer Gardens, but the variety of butterflies was just as good! The smaller room actually made it easier to get close to the butterflies for photos, too.
I’m not sure, but I think this one is called a “Hecale Longwing.”
I took lots photos of this species of butterfly. It’s sometimes called a “Paper Kite” or “Tree Nymph.” He is very photogenic:
This pretty brown one is called a “Dero Clearwing,” I think.
Here is the Clipper again, up close:
More butterflies are coming your way tomorrow!