Piano Studio Room Remodel
Paul & I bought a house. How exciting! Most of the house has been beautifully updated....
Conference Fun
Last week, I attended the National Conference on Keyboard Pedagogy (NCKP) — an awesome conference for...
Music History Camp
This past week, I held a music history camp for some of my students. We studied...
Phone Stand
I found this cute phone stand at a rummage sale last week for $15. They don’t...
Music History Camp
My Music History camp starts today! I think I’m ready for my campers to arrive!
Thrifty Scarf
This morning, I went to an epic rummage sale at a church in Maumee. The basement,...
Piano Teaching Studio Tour
Today I’m proud to take you on the penny tour… 🙂 My husband and I feel...
My Piano Purchase
It’s been awhile since I’ve updated this photo blog, and a lot has happened! Paul and...
Best Buds
Coda found a nice place to rest…and perhaps do a toothpaste commercial too.
New Kitty: Coda!
Paul surprised me with an early Christmas gift yesterday: a new kitty! She’s black and about...