Conference Fun

Last week, I attended the National Conference on Keyboard Pedagogy (NCKP) — an awesome conference for piano teachers that takes place in Lombard, Illinois (which is about 30-minutes west of Chicago).  Here is a photo of me with my 3 roommates (including my cousin and a friend from grad school) plus a new friend from Vancouver.


One evening, we had dinner at a delicious Italian restaurant.


During one of the sessions the next day, I ran into the same two ladies again.  They are familiar with my blog about piano teaching and have even used my music history curriculum for their own music history camps!


The next night, my roommates and I ate at a Greek Restaurant.  Yum!


In the exhibit hall at the conference, I browsed lots of books and games for piano teaching and even was able to meet some composers of music for students to play.


I learned so much at the sessions I attended.  I have already started using some of the things I learned as I taught lessons so far this week!

My roommates and I are hoping to attend this particular conference again when it is held again in 2015.  🙂

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