For Memorial Day, we spent the day at Binder Zoo in Battle Creek.  We had a good time.  Even the steady rain didn’t slow us down!

Matt got thirsty.

Look at the poor mother prairie dog — “You’d look like too if you just had 5 kids!”

Mom LOVES the zoo.

A cute couple.

Chasing The Little Guy…

Did You Know……. zebras are actually brown and white, not black and white.

I think everyone’s favorite was the giraffes.

Look at that tongue!!

He was quite intrigued with the giraffes.

We saw all kind of creatures.

The tram ride to “Africa.”

Wow, Paul, that is quite a tortoise statue.

Susan likes it too.

In fact, I think she LOVES it.

Somebody is wiped out after a day of running.

My umbrella bit the dust.


The Little Guy is not the only tired one of the group.  Time to go home!

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